Kamis, 10 Juni 2010

Biodata T-MAX

1. Shin Min Chul
Date of birth: February 5, 1980
Height/weight: 178 cm / 63 kg
Bloodtype: O
School: Otorohanga College, New Zealand
Hobby: Taking weird pictures, Watching movies
Specialty: Making accessories, Reforming clothes, Surfing

2. Park Yoon Hwa
Date of birth: January 31, 1985
Height/weight: 175 cm / 52 kg
Bloodtype: AB
School: Suwon University of Science
Hobby: Playing computer games, collecting accessories
Specialty: Computer programming, graphic design

3. Kim Joon/Kim Hyung Joon
Date of birth: February 3, 1984
height/weight: 183 cm / 65 kg
Bloodtype: O
School: Hangook University for foreigners, chemistry major
Hobby: Playing on-line games, basketball
Specialty: Snowboarding

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